
  • Recapitulative List for VAT purposes

    From 1 January 2014, the amendment to the VAT Act No. 222/2004 Coll. established a new form of obligatory VAT report – the “Recapitulative List for VAT purposes”. This Recapitulative List should include all domestic VAT outputs as well as the input VAT deductions reported in respective VAT return in a detailed structure. The deadline for electronic filing of the ...

  • Tax licences

    The conception of tax licences effective from 1 January 2014 established the obligation of minimal annual tax fee to be paid by each company for so called “corporate income tax licence”. Amount of the fee should depend on the amount of taxpayer’s annual revenues as well as VAT status of the taxpayer. The amount of the tax licence should be ...

  • Decrease of the corporate income tax

    From 1 January 2014, the corporate income tax rate decreased from 23% to 22%. Ultimately, companies making a profit and showing higher corporate income tax liability than the amount of tax license should pay lower corporate income tax from 2014.

  • Increase of withholding tax securement rate against non-contractual countries

    From 1 March 2014, the amendment to the Income tax Act No. 595/2003 Coll. set-up increased withholding tax securement against so called “non-contractual countries”. If the taxable income arising from the Slovak sources will be paid to the tax resident of the “non-contractual country”, the paying entity will be obliged to deduct the 35% withholding tax securement (instead of 19% till ...

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